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Rich Tree View - Lazy Loading Children

Lazy load the data from your Tree View.

Basic usage

To dynamically load data from the server, including lazy-loading of children, you must create a data source and pass the dataSource prop to the Rich Tree View.

The data source also requires the getChildrenCount() attribute to handle tree data:

getChildrenCount(): Returns the number of children for the item. If the children count is not available for some reason, but there are some children, returns -1.

The items prop serves as an initial state.

  • Amy Harris
  • Sam Smith
  • Jordan Miles
  • Amalia Brown
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If you want to dynamically load all items of the Tree View, you can pass and empty array to the items prop, and the getTreeItems method will be called on the first render.

Loading latency: 1000 (ms)

    Using react-query

    The following demo uses fetchQuery from react-query to load data.

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      Data caching

      Custom cache

      To provide a custom cache, use dataSourceCache prop, which could be either written from scratch or based on another cache library. This prop accepts a generic interface of type DataSourceCache.

      The following demo uses QueryClient from react-query as a data source cache.

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        Customize the cache lifetime

        The DataSourceCacheDefault has a default Time To Live (ttl) of 5 minutes. To customize it, pass the ttl option in milliseconds to the DataSourceCacheDefault constructor, and then pass it as the dataSourceCache prop.

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          • Amy Harris
          • Sam Smith
          • Jordan Miles
          • Amalia Brown
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          Lazy loading and label editing

          To store the updated item labels on your server use the onItemLabelChange callback function.

          Changes to the label are not automatically updated in the dataSourceCache and will need to be updated manually. The demo below shows you how to update the cache once a label is changed so the changes are reflected in the tree.

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            See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.