Rich Tree View - Label editing
Learn how to edit the label of Tree View items.
Enable label editing
You can use the isItemEditable
prop to enable editing.
If set to true
, this prop will enable label editing on all items:
- @mui/x-data-grid
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- Charts
- Tree View
Limit editing to some items
If you pass a method to isItemEditable
, only the items for which the method returns true
will be editable:
- @mui/x-data-grid editable
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro editable
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- Charts
- Tree View
Limit editing to leaves
You can limit the editing to just the leaves of the tree.
- @mui/x-data-grid
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- Charts
- Tree View
Track item label change
Use the onItemLabelChange
prop to trigger an action when the label of an item changes.
No item has been edited yet
- @mui/x-data-grid
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- Charts
- Tree View
Change the default behavior
By default, blurring the Tree Item saves the new value if there is one.
To modify this behavior, use the slotProps
of the Tree Item.
- @mui/x-data-grid
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- Charts
- Tree View
You can override the event handlers of the labelInput
and implement a custom validation logic using the interaction methods from useTreeItemUtils
- @mui/x-data-grid
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- Charts
- Tree View
Enable editing using only icons
The demo below shows how to entirely override the editing behavior, and implement it using icons.
- @mui/x-data-grid
- @mui/x-data-grid-pro
- @mui/x-date-pickers
- @mui/x-date-pickers-pro
- Charts
- Tree View
Create a custom labelInput
The demo below shows how to use a different component in the labelInput
- Elena Kim
- Noah Rodriguez
- Maya Patel
- Ethan Lee
- Ava Jones
Imperative API
Change the label of an item
Use the updateItemLabel()
API method to imperatively update the label of an item.
// The id of the item to to update
// The new label of the item.
- Data Grid
- Date and Time pickers
- Charts
- Tree View
Editing lazy loaded children
To store the updated item labels on your server use the onItemLabelChange
callback function.
Changes to the label are not automatically updated in the dataSourceCache
and will need to be updated manually.
const handleItemLabelChange = (itemId: TreeViewItemId, newLabel: string) => {
// update your cache here
getChildrenCount: (item) => item?.childrenCount as number,
getTreeItems: fetchData,
Visit the dedicated page for lazy loading to read more.
See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.