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Toolpad Core

A set of components to build dashboards with React.

Toolpad Core is a set of full-stack react components that leverages existing MUI components, and ties them with the commonly-used backend integrations to help you create responsive dashboards and internal tools. It comes with the guarantee of MUI's enterprise-tested components, and the Toolpad team's focus on using the latest stable libraries, and prioritising razor-sharp performance.


Toolpad can be multiple things: a set of low-level primitives for common use-cases like state management across components, a Next.js starter with features like authentication and routing, or an umbrella framework to help bring together your existing internal tooling applications. To sum up: it's a framework that integrates many disparate libraries with MUI's components, which otherwise require a lot of inefficient glue code to work together. It's accessible through a CLI which generates starter code quickly based on features needed or example templates to be followed.

It follows the open-core model, with some features being available under the MIT license, and some being under a paid license.


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